Saturday 6 October 2012

The Bigger Picture...

since we were young, we often heard stories told by Ustaz, Ustazah, Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa and so on about the previous Prophets and their Ummah.. Nabi Isa AS and his ummah, Nabi Nuh AS and his ummah, Nabi Musa AS and his ummah and much more...we were told about how their ummah(those who denied the religion that was brought by their prophets) destroyed by Allah SWT...okay now put that aside..


Monday 6 August 2012

Have you ever been in this situation???

Pernah tak terjadi pada anda? sabar ye... doakan mereka yang lain mendapat hidayah dengan segera ye...

Sunday 24 June 2012

Let's calm our heart

Tholama asyku ghoromi yaa nurol wujud
wa unadi ya tihaami yaa ma’dinal juud
For so long I have complained of my loneliness
Oh light of existence, light of Allah…
I mention, I call you, oh, Noble Mecca,
Source of excellence and sublimity…
Mun-yati aqshol maromi ahzho bissyuhud
wa aro baabas salami yaa azkal judud
My ultimate expectation and goal is the meeting with you,
It is the crown of my success…
I have seen the Port of Safety,
Oh, he whose essence is purity….
Ya sirajal kauni inni aashiq muntaham
Mughramun wal Madhu fannii Ya Badrat Tamaam
Oh, Light of creations…
verily my longing for you has mountained…
My longing and poem becomes my art
Oh, Perfect Full Moon…
Ishrifil’aroodho’ anni adhnaanis saqom
fiika qod ahsantu zhonni yaa saamil’uhud
Remove the bothersome veil so that I may see you,
I have a strong expectation of your promise of safety
Oh, one who is firm in his promises,…
Yaa sirojal anbiyaa-i yaa’alil janaab.
yaa imaamal atqiyaa-i inna qolbi dzaab
Oh, light of the prophets, Oh, summit of purity,
Leader of the people of Taqwa, My heart is one with you…
Wa’alaikallahu sholla rabbi dzuljalal….
Yakfi yaa nurol ahillah inna hajri thool…
For you may there be the salutations of Allah,…
My Lord is indeed the Master of Every Perfection…
It’s enough for me, Oh, light of Allah,
To journey towards you, surely the separation is long…
Sayyidi wal’umru walla jud bil washli jud
My master, all my life you are my beloved,
Hasten my meeting with you…

Sunday 13 May 2012

After life...

I look up to the sky..
What a wonderful creation..
I wonder what it looks like up there??
Eternal life awaits us up there..
Heaven..hell..who knows where we might end up..

In this world..
Our body is just like a vehicle.. 
which carries our soul
to live in this world..
Now they're just focusing improving their "Vehicle"!
Plastic surgery and all that...
we forgot to improve our inner side...
which is THE SOUL that makes this " Vehicle " moves in this world...

Ya Allah..thanks for waking me up..
All those days never even knowing just how blind i have been...
From this pathetic system..

Monday 7 May 2012

Kebebasan berita dan informasi siber adalah bukan suatu paradoks.

Saya dapati artikel bertajuk “Kebebasan berita dan informasi siber: suatu paradoks” yang di tulis oleh Dr Rahmat Ghazali, amat menarik untuk diperketengahkan. Pada pendapat saya ia bukanlah suatu paradoks sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh penulis tersebut.

Memang tidak dinafikan bahawa pengguna siber terikat dengan Akta Hasutan 1969, Akta Rasmi 1972 dan Akta Fitnah 1957, tetapi ia tidak bermakna pengguna siber tidak bebas menyatakan pendapatnya terhadap sesuatu isu dan sebagainya. Setiap kebebasan yang diberikan perlulah ada hadnya supaya tidak menimbulkan huru-hara.

Di khuatiri pengguna siber akan menggunakan kebebasan yang ada untuk meyebarkan fitnah yang boleh menjatuhkan air muka sesetengah pihak. Jadi tidak bermakna dengan kewujudan akta-akta tersebut, pengguna siber boleh merungut bahawa tiada kebebasan bersuara.

Contohnya di dalam negara kita, ya kita adalah negara bebas tetapi masih ada undang-undang yang perlu dipatuhi supaya tidak menimbulkan huru-hara. Begitu juga di alam siber, tidak semestinya kita bebas menyatakan apa sahaja yang kita ingin tanpa memikirkan kesan-kesannya.

Sunday 6 May 2012

God Please Help Me..

Something that comes to my mind, does not represent my self okay....

I don't know if you can hear me..
Or if you're even there..
I don't know if you would listen to a sinner's prayer..
Yes i know i am totally a sinner
I shouldn't speak to You
Yeah...i was totally wrong about You earlier..You do listen..
God please help me...
Hungry from birth..
Show me the mercy that i don't find on earth..
God please help me..
I look to you still..
Please help me or nobody will..
I ask for wealth...
I ask for fame...
I ask for glory to shine on my name...
Suddenly i realized all that are not important
So i ask for nothing I can get by
But I know so many less lucky than I am..
So please give me
Your Love and Your Blessing.........

Allah SWT


In today’s modern world where there are lots of medium for people to get information, internet has been the most referred medium for people disseminate and receive information. The reasons why people choose the online stream are because it is free from any filtering and gate keeping from the third party. Therefore, people are free to post or write any news that they want or any opinion to influence people.

In online stream, public can express what they feel and what they think about the journal or the news that was published on the internet. We seldom see on the internet where some people talk bad things about other religion, using vulgar words towards other races during voicing out their opinion in the feedbacks column. It is all because it is free, people are allowed to write anything.

It cannot be denied that online journalism can give positive input towards people in certain things like education. But if it is not controlled, it can lead to a bad impact on the social harmony, especially radical type of journalism about politics. This can be dangerous as words can influence people to react against certain party, for example what if the radical articles can influence a nation to fight against their own government? It can lead to destruction.

This matter must be taken seriously as people now are turning to online journalism. It can be said that most of them are teenagers, the one who will be leading the country in the future. So we cannot let their minds being poisoned by those types of radical articles that can lead to negative mindset.

Not only it can bring harm to harmony, it can also damage a relationships or individuals reputation. There are some irresponsible individual who spread false news or information in their article or what so ever. This is called defamation, as some people may publish publically on the online stream saying bad things about an individual, mostly an important, influential, and high ranking individual such as the prime minister of the country. There are lots of attempts that have been done by some bad mouth to inflict bad reputation towards some important individuals.

It is a big scare if people blindly believe at what they are seeing without any investigation or referring to other reliable source. What feared the most is that people will start to share those kinds of article with their friends and the public through the internet.  It shows how powerful words are so online journalism should be controlled so that peace and harmony in a nation can be maintained.